Company life

Company life

Is Friendship at Work Good for Productivity?

Friends make us happy, of course, but is friendship at work good for productivity? According to an Accountemps survey of Canadian employees, 61% of participants felt that their productivity was better when they had friends among their colleagues. Various psychological and managerial explanations can explain these results. According to the results of a second survey […]

Company life

Beware of negativism in business

No one is safe from overindulging in a bad mood for a passing reason (broken computer, crazy customer, bad-tempered boss…). However, when this sourness persists, it can easily give way to a certain negativism that will affect colleagues’ work environment. Don’t delay reacting and doing the right things before it’s too late.   Causes and […]

Company life

6 Tips to Concentrate Successfully in an Open Area Environment

Colleagues who are loud, laughing and talking out loud, continuous movements and visual distractions, lack of intimacy… working in an open area is sometimes a real ordeal. Here are some tips to concentrate successfully in an open area environment. 1. Think collectively An initial solution to find an optimal work environment consists of proposing an informal […]

Company life

Incivility: another manifestation of individualism?

If we are to believe Donald Black (The Social Structure of Right and Wrong, 1993), the expression of discontent in the working world evolves. Employees abandon public mass events (strikes, petitions or sabotage) in favour of more private reactions, specifically incivility in the workplace. How is it manifested? What are the internal reactions? How are […]

Company life

Sociocratic governance – hope for employees

If you have had enough of stress at work or even want to avoid burnout, consider sociocracy. This method of dynamic governance is bringing satisfaction for employees, while developing productivity in organizations, as the Canadian geneticist David Suzuki says in his book Good News for a Change. What is this method of governance based on? […]

Company life

Meditation at work ? A practice in growth

Meditation at work ? Fully aware meditation or “mindfulness” sounds esoteric to your ears? Yet, the practice extends to the most serious and demanding professions, such those in the medical field and will make you better at work.   Mathew, 29, has a big year ahead of him as he finishes his MBA while migrating […]

Company life

10 ideas to help improve your employees’s health

Sure, a gym membership is good. But a boss conscious of his employees’ health, that’s better! Here’s a realistic goal for a company that is invested in its well-being. Ten steps for initiating positive change. A healthy approach to business is based on three elements: senior management participation, employee consultation and a structured methodology. According […]

Company life

The boreout: when tedium causes harm

Burnout is frequently listed among occupational illnesses. But a new ailment is creating victims in the world of work without getting as much attention: the boreout.              The term “boreout” was mentioned for the first time by two consultants, Peter Werder and Philippe Rothl in, in their book Diagnose Boreout. They […]

Company life

How To Deal with Stress At Work?

It’s everywhere, it spreads, induces palpitations, back problems, migraines, even phobias… We talk about it every day, but it’s not easy to understand stress! We generally associate stress with work, and for managers, detecting and combating it comes as no easy task. The following is based on an interview with Nora Spinks, founder and president […]

Company life

Music while working – are you in favour of this habit?

Music while working are you in favour of this practice? Do your colleagues’ conversations disturb you, are you having a hard time concentrating, or can you simply not go without music for even a few minutes, so you always work with earbuds in your ears? If so, you are far from being the only one, […]

Company life

Passion at work: a side effect instead of a prerequisite.

We are not born passionate about our work, we become passionate. This idea is countercurrent to our current time’s message “follow your passion” that is posted everywhere from Facebook pages to blogs. But, passion is not the inevitable starting point of professional achievement. Shake up the myth that passion at work makes us happy. This […]

Company life

How to successfully return to work in the professional world

The return to work after having taken parental leave, sick leave, a yearlong sabbatical, or a long trip, can sometimes be as exciting as it is frightening. Here are two experts who share their advice on seamlessly reintegrating back into the professional world. Whether an intentional or unintentional interruption, when the time comes to step […] network